OF course we welcome the positive developments in our campaign to tighten regulations governing children's sleepwear following the horrific burns suffered by two-year-old Daniel Mitchard-Harrison.

It is good news that Asda, where Daniel's inflammable pyjamas were bought, has been shocked into having immediate talks with its manufacturers in a bid to find a safer alternative.

It is good news that Tesco and Woolworths have pledged to work with suppliers to address the dangers we have highlighted.

And it is good news that the North-East's Member of the European Parliament, Stephen Hughes, has taken up the campaign so vigorously because this is truly a Europe-wide issue.

But the promises must lead to decisive action. And the only real way to make sure that retailers make safety a higher priority than maximising their profits is through the weight of the law.

Tougher flammability regulations were introduced by the government 20 years ago. They apply to girls' nightdresses and dressing gowns but, inexplicably, children's pyjamas slipped through the net.

What happened to Daniel Mitchard-Harrison is terrifying. Our aim is to stop it happening to another child, but while flammable pyjamas are on sale, unwitting parents will be buying them and putting their children in grave danger.

We therefore urge our readers to keep up the pressure by backing our campaign. The petition form is published today on Page 5 and it can be signed online at www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/ campaigns.

Your voice can make a difference.