PUPILS have embraced a healthy mind and body after enjoying activities as part of a well-being day.

Le Cateau Primary School in Catterick Garrison has held its second Well-being Day after its successful event last year.

During the day pupils participated in a wide range of stimulating, fun and relaxing activities that promote a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking.

Activities included yoga, mindfulness art and crafts, making healthy snacks, building self-esteem workshops and visualization exercises. The nursery children planted sunflower seeds of kindness.

Alison Cafferty, deputy headteacher, said: “We decided to build the theme of kindness into our day. Research tells us that being kind to others helps to promote our own self-esteem and well-being.”

Parents and carers were invited to join in the school hall for some further well-being fun at the end of the day.

There were stalls and activities for parents and children to participate in, and drinks and healthy snacks were available. The event was well attended.