A MONK and meditation teacher has published his first book on how to live life to the fullest.

200 per cent – An Instruction Manual for Living Fully by Arjuna Ishaya, from Richmond, is a guide to achieve peace of mind and fulfilment.

Mr Ishaya, originally from New Zealand, said his former job as an outdoor pursuits instructor left him wanting more, so he set about learning more about yoga, mindfulness and meditation.

He said: "This book has been a long time coming. It is a culmination of a lot of work I have been doing, and brings it all together.

"As I was learning about yoga and meditation, it still didn't quite give me what I was looking for, which was a way to live my life.

He added: "As a Bright Path Ishaya monk I've practised ascension meditation every day since 2003. I love it, but I've found it's not enough just to practice it – You need to live it.

"Meditation gives you the rock-solid inner foundation for more, but then you need to take action. It’s a different kind of living – one based in wisdom, joy and possibility, with no fear, struggle and stress. It's what my book is all about."

For details and a free webinar on Sunday, November 20 at 8pm, visit www.arjunaishaya.com/200-book-release-webinar.