A new anaerobic digestion plant at Leeming, near Bedale will take in over 55,000 tonnes of food waste a year, converting it into heat and power.

North Yorkshire County Council’s Planning Committee approved plans for the new plant which also includes a combined heat and power facility at Clapham Lodge, Dere Street.

One resident had objected to the plans because of the location and the scale of the development.

But Councillor David Blades said: “This is the third anaerobic digestor scheme I have seen. It is a win, win situation. You are diverting waste from landfill and you are generating renewable energy as well as creating fertilisters."

Over a year, 1,700 tankers will bring in the waste including 15,000 tonnes of potatoes, 10,000 tonnes of soya, 20,000 tonnes of creamery waste and 5,000 tonnes of brewery waste.