AFTER reading the article about the Home Office refusing to grant a licence for a cannabis-based prescription to help relieve little six year old epilepsy sufferer, Alfie Dingley, (Echo, Feb 19) my heart goes out to his parents, who had managed to get help in the Netherlands.

He was treated with a cannabis-based treatment which helped reduce his pain and seizures when they were there in September.

The Government doesn’t mind prescribing methadone to heroin addicts to help them withdraw from their addiction, which is mainly self-induced and some of them I am fairly sure see it as just an extra freebie.

After a knee replacement over twelve years ago and suffering intense pain for the last six or seven years I would gladly pay for any cannabis-based medication if it helped.

I hope Alfie and his parents get some help soon.

Doug Porthouse, Ferryhill