Further to my earlier blog, the Attorney General has now warned newspapers about contempt of court after seeing this morning's coverage of the Jo Yeates murder case.

Dominic Grieve indicated that he may take some form of action to ensure the course of justice was not impeded.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's The World At One, he said: We need to avoid a situation where trials cannot take place or are prejudiced as a result of irrelevant or improper material being published, whether in print form or on the internet..."

The Attorney General said newspapers were "pretty familiar" with the contempt of court rules, adding: "In those circumstances, I would simply ask them to reflect carefully on how they provide proper coverage on a matter of public importance while at the same time, mindful of how our legal system works, they can also ensure that a fair trial process - if one were ever to happen - would not be prejudiced..."

That's all very well but the fog of confusion hasn't been lifted one iota from what I can see.

As I said earlier, the Mirror's front page headline "Jo suspect is peeping Tom" has to be going too far while The Sun's "The strange Mr Jeffries" is also pushing it.

Editors are being asked to "reflect carefully" on their coverage, in the full knowledge that the more chances they take with the law, the more juicy their story, and the more papers they sell.

Will they err on the side of legal caution, or go flat out to win the circulation battle?

I think we all know the answer.