DRIVERS are to be given free use of a park and ride project on the first weekend of its operation.

Durham County Council's £10m scheme is to keep long-stay vehicles out of the centre of Durham City by building 1,100 parking spaces on the outskirts that will be served by buses to the centre. It will start on Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4.

The council's cabinet has approved a plan to give motorists free use on the weekend, which coincides with the city's annual Christmas festival.

Normally, parking will be free at the three security-guarded sites, at Belmont, Sniperley and Howlands Farm, but the return bus fare will cost £1.70 or £1.50 for regular users with smart cards.

Acting director of the environment David Miller told the council's cabinet that the scheme would be formally opened at the Belmont site by Transport Under Secretary Karen Buck on Thursday, December 1.

Mr Miller said that the free weekend, which would cost the council about £1,700, would help promote the scheme and encourage its use.

The council hopes that this, and the efforts of a marketing company it has hired to promote the scheme, will ensure that large numbers of motorists use it from day one.

"Otherwise, it will take a long time to have the buses running full,'' Mr Miller said.

Single-decker buses operated by Scarlet band will run from the following points:

* Belmont-Sniperley route: Milburngate Bridge east side, Milburngate, County Hall, University Hospital;

l Sniperley-Belmont route: University Hospital, County Hall, Milburngate, Claypath (Millennium Place);

* Howlands to Howlands 'loop' route-New Elvet: Milburngate Bridge East side, Milburngate, Leazes Road Underpass, New Elvet.

Council leader Ken Manton said : "I'm sure park and ride will quickly establish itself as the preferred means of getting into Durham City for commuters, shoppers and tourists.

"It's cheap, easy and convenient and does away with the daily struggle of trying to find a long-stay parking space.

"It will also free up more on-street parking spaces for short-term parking, which is something that is currently in very short supply."

Full details are available from website durhampark and 20,000 leaflets will be distributed throughout the city and to major employers.