QMy mother died recently. Does her case qualify for the £1,000 death grant? The form the DSS sent asked for details of the income of all my family. Is it means tested and will mother's £2,400 insurance be counted?

A There is no Death Grant any more. The £1,000 is for certain widows (from Monday, this goes up to £2,000 and certain widowers will get it too). Funeral payments depend upon the income of the person liable for the funeral arrangements. The deceased's insurance will also be taken account of.

QI am approaching 89 and try to manage on my State pension of £68.81 a week, a personal pension of £23.41 a month and £111.28 a month from my late husband's works. Should I be paying full rent and Council Tax?

A After rebates, your basic rent should be £9 a week and your Council Tax £2.75.

QWhy does my mother, who lives with me, get so little help with her rent of £41.19 a week? She has a pension of £68.63 a week and savings of £3,544. My gross wage is £171.

A You are expected to contribute £38.20 a week to the rent which does not leave much room for a rebate. Why does your mother not claim Minimum Income Guarantee? She will be due at least £15 a week.

QSince my husband died my only income is a weekly pension of £98.22 and lower rate Attendance Allowance. I have £8,000 in the Building Society. Am I entitled to any help?

A If you live alone and no one gets Invalid Care Allowance for looking after you, you are due a full Council Tax Rebate and £22.50 Minimum Income Guarantee from April.

QMy wife gets the higher rate for mobility. If I claim carer's allowance will it affect my other benefits, like Income Support?

A Invalid Care Allowance (ICA) may reduce other benefits but if you are on Income Support you should be better off overall. However, I do not think this applies to you. You must be looking after someone with the middle or higher care component to get ICA.