The weird side of the web surfaced again with reports on everything from a new medical condition, smart wardrobes and executions online.

Adults who want to see executions could log on and pay up to see the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh being killed.

So with such ghoulish exploits around, it was with some relief that news of the first interactive wardrobe was received in The Cyber Space office.

Within five years, we are being promised the chance to have our clothes selected and co-ordinated by an Internet-connected wardrobe that has already checked the weather and events diary for the day.

The wardrobe will even go on a virtual window shopping spree for you at online stores and compile lists of items you might like.

The technology being used in the American invention could also be used to allow your fridge to stock itself, your cooker to select recipes taking into account the store cupboard's contents and a self-diagnosing medicine cabinet.

The pills it purchases might also be handy for your family doctor if another of the other reports around this week is to be believed.

Apparently, the latest illness is cyberchondria.

Otherwise known as "Internet print out syndrome", this creeping disease is reportedly finding its way into GPs surgeries.

The sufferer turns up at the surgery armed with the latest information about research, wonder cures and theories about what could be wrong with them.

All these advances and revelations really beg the question what is all this technology for and is anything out of bounds?

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2001