DRAMA has been used to show pupils the effects of crime and punishment on young offenders.

Groups of first year students from Sunnydale Comprehensive School, Shildon, have been taking part in drama workshops with members of the County Durham Youth Offending Service.

The two morning sessions discuss what type of people offenders are, how their environment is likely to influence them, and risk factors that could lead to offending.

Youth Offending Service education officer Paul Duffy said: "The fact is that young people are more likely to be victims of crime than commit them.

"We look at the way that the community, school and they themselves can all help to prevent offending by looking at why people might get into trouble.''

Sunnydale headteacher Peter Rogerson said that drama is starting to play an increasingly important role in the curriculum at the school and will be a time-tabled subject for years seven and eight from September