PALE pandas and teddies with temperatures can be checked into a hospital's Well Teddy Clinic.

Children can take along their toys to nurses at Bishop Auckland General Hospital's accident and emergency department for a check-up on Sunday.

The aim of the clinic, open to children between four and eight, is to familiarise them and their families with the department.

Staff will demonstrate medical procedures, such as taking blood pressure, stitching or glueing wounds and applying plaster casts.

The children will also get a chance to tour the accident and emergency and x-ray departments and play with toy medical equipment.

Children's nurse Cheryl Peart, who has organised the event, said: "Between 25 and 30 per cent of people who come through our doors are children, and the accident and emergency department can be a very frightening place for them."

Anyone wishing to book a visit to the hospital's accident and emergency department's Well Teddy Clinic can telephone (01388) 454124