EXPERTS have confirmed what hayfever sufferers have known for weeks - that the region is under a sustained attack from high pollen levels.

According to the UK National Pollen Network, the region has experienced virtually no relief since the beginning of last month.

Pollen forecaster Beverley Adams-Groom, who works for the unit at the University of Worcester, said: "It has been pretty bad in the North-East, which follows on from high counts last year as well.

"The main reason has been the weather, which has seen a lot of consecutive days where pollen has been high or very high. It is no wonder people are suffering due to the cumulative day-on-day effect, which has shown no let-up."

According to readings from the network's Newcastle monitoring station, the region experienced its first high count on June 7 and, apart from a lull between June 9 and 13 and over the past couple of dull and wet days, levels have remained consistently high.

Ninety five per cent of hayfever is caused by grass pollen and the network says there is little evidence that the magnificent poppy blooms all over the region have added to the problem. Poppy pollen contributes little to hayfever levels and does not travel widely. As all hayfever sufferers know, the only solution to high pollen levels is a sustained period of rain to dampen down fields and gardens.