Q The Social Security Office tells my son, 21, that he cannot get any benefit because monthly he works 44 hours earning £181.36. Is this so? He cannot even pay for his prescriptions or the dentist.

A Working less than 16 hours a week, and on those low earnings, he should be able to get Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance. This would be £6 a week and enable him to have free prescriptions and dental costs.

Q My disabled daughter, aged 46, lives alone managing on weekly Incapacity Benefit of £85.88 and a works pension of £67 a week. She also has Disability Living Allowance which includes the Middle Rate for care. Should she be paying full rent of £50 a week and Council Tax of £11 a week?

A If no one is getting Invalid Care Allowance (ICA) for looking after her, she should have her basic rent reduced to £21.89 and her Council Tax to £6.73.

Q I live alone and receive Attendance Allowance of £37.65 a week. My State Pension is £104.44 a week and my Civil Service Pension £4.65 a month. My savings are now down to £6,500 after I remortgaged my home to pay for repairs. Am I entitled to anything?

A Again if you have no carer who gets ICA, you have been missing out on Income Support of £32.90 a week and a full Council Tax Rebate.

Q When my wife is 60 in a few months she intends to stop work and draw her State Pension of £50.14 a week. I get Incapacity Benefit of £70.45 a week and we are still paying off the mortgage. What benefits can we get then?

A If that is all you have coming in and your savings are below £6,000, you should get Income Support of £29.21 a week plus an allowance for mortgage interest. You will get a full rebate on your Council Tax too.

Q Our total State Pensions are £140 weekly and my works pension is £140.60 a month. Our savings are £8,000. Can we get our Council Tax of £871.36 a week reduced?

A Yes, by £10.23 a week.