AN innovative community support scheme is expected to prosper in the New Year, according to organisers.

Darlington set a national first last year when it launched the Pod project, bringing a wealth of support to youngsters and adults.

The Pod, a 40ft steel container fitted with facilities for community use was introduced to the Lascelles area of the town late last year to provide a safe environment for people to meet, enjoy leisure activities and seek a range of specialist advice.

The scheme will be expanding this month, when a second Pod is installed in North Lodge Park.

The Pod idea was originally adopted by Thameside Council, in Greater Manchester, to prevent young people causing nuisance in areas highlighted by the police.

Darlington Youth Offending and Community Safety Service is the first in the country to develop the idea further, to include services for all elements of local communities.

The Pods have equipment for young people - including a Sony PlayStation and sports equipment - while youth workers are on hand to supervise all activities.

Now, in addition, officers from the borough council's housing department, the police, and the uniformed wardens' service are available to provide local residents with help and advice. The new Pods will be open four days a week.

Each Pod costs £15,000 to set up and the scheme is funded through the Government's Safer Communities Initiative and regional development agency One NorthEast's Community Cohesion Fund.

Stephen Harker, the council's cabinet member for community safety said: "The aim of the Pods is to provide a safe environment for all members of the community to learn, to enjoy leisure, to work together on projects of mutual benefit and to promote community cohesion. The public response to the initiative so far has been very encouraging."

The Pod in North Lodge Park is the latest in a string of initiatives aimed at breathing new life into the area.