South Moor WI: THE May meeting was opened by the president Dora Moore. Doreen Pearson read a humorous poem, The Phone.

The president introduced Anne Stayman, of East Stanley WI, who explained the resolutions that were voted upon for the forthcoming annual general meeting in the Albert Hall, London. A vote of thanks was given by Kitty Lewins.

A chocolate cake competition was judged by Ann Stayman. First was Vera Soulsby, second Ann Weir and third Doreen Pearson. Raffle prizes, given by Kitty Chambers and Dora Moore, were won by Nancy Nicholson and Joyce Wright.

Catchgate WI

MRS G Gallagher welcomed members and guests to the annual meeting. Mrs B Robson and Mrs A Stayman, from the executive committee, and Mrs J Welch, Mrs R Bates, from Annfield Plain WI, attended.

The Golden Thread was read by Mrs Riley. Minutes of the last meeting, county newsletter and correspondence were dealt with by Mrs Riley. Brenda Robson explained the resolutions, which were voted on, for the AGM in London.

Mrs Gallagher stood down as president after 11 years. Glynis Grainger was elected for the next year. The treasurer and secretary remain the same. Miss Spinks resigned from the committee after years of loyal service. Mrs Stayman then gave a talk on how she enjoyed being a WI member.

The competition for three rock buns was won by Mrs Lewis. The prize was donated by Mrs E Watkins.

The Rose Bowl, which is awarded for the highest number of competition points, was won by Mrs Riley. The raffle prize, donated by Mrs Cornforth, was won by Mrs Morecroft. Guests and members enjoyed a buffet supper. Tea hostesses were Mrs Jones and Mrs Wilson.

East Stanley WI

THE president Anne Stayman welcomed members and a visitor. Best wishes were sent to Laura Allan, who is in hospital. Hilda Shield and Vera Wilkinson were thanked for the flowers.

Olga Hodgson gave the theme, her favourite song, and told how her grand-daughter was learning the alphabet by singing The Alphabet Song.

Anne Stayman, who will be delegate at the AGM, gave the resolutions.

Members enjoyed the group meeting hosted by Catchgate WI.

Final arrangements were made for an outing to Malton and Yorkshire Lavender. Names were taken for the annual August outing to the Lake District.

Nominations were taken for the new committee.

The competition, a fancy plate, was won by Olga Hodgson and Rae Smith was runner up. The raffle was won by Cissie Carr.

Bette Williams demonstrated relaxing exercises and Tai Che. She was thanked by Rae Smith.

The meeting ended with a cake stall for county funds. The next meeting will be on June 9, which will be the AGM.

Leadgate WI

MRS Walker presided and sick members were remembered. The theme was read by Mrs English.

Business and correspondence was dealt with by Mrs Nedley. Mrs Moody gave the financial statement. Members were given times for the Scarborough trip on June 10. Members enjoyed a bring and buy sale and members' participation night. Mrs Griffith auctioned the goods.

The competition for a buttonhole was won by Mrs Donnison, second Mrs Frost, third Mrs Wheatley.

The raffle was won by Mrs Paul.

Annfield Plain WI

MRS Collin presided over the annual meeting, welcoming WI adviser Freda Weatherspoon and tellers from Catchgate WI.

The Golden Thread, entitled Why Worry, was given by Mrs Pinner and the item of interest - an informative account of how the Vikings brought ironing boards to this country - by Mrs Burnhope.

The secretary, Miss Ellwood, read the minutes and gave an account of the past year's activities. The treasurer, Mrs Bates, gave the annual financial statement. Mrs Collin gave the president's address and thanked everyone for their support.

MrsWeatherspoon addressed the meeting and encouraged us to tell others how much we enjoyed WI meetings. She spoke entertainingly about her first visit to the Albert Hall to put forward a resolution. Mrs McKee gave the vote of thanks.

Mrs Collin was re-elected president. The committee were re-elected. Mrs Welch gave a vote of thanks to the tellers.

The competition for a funny postcard was won by Mrs Welch and the raffle by Mrs Thew.

Lanchester WI

THE vice-president Ann Carr welcomed members and one visitor. June Wallis read the minutes. Members voted in favour of all resolutions.

A letter was read from LanchesterCommunity Association launching an appeal for £180,000 to extend facilities to the centre. Jennifer also gave her report on the annual council meeting, which she attended as delegate.

A report was given by the treasurer Ann Carr on the April coffee morning, which was well attended with a 29 per cent increase on the November one.

A card was read from Maureen Clarkson thanking members for the cards and flowers sent for her golden wedding. Ann Carr presented member Phyllis Penfold with flowers and a card on her golden wedding anniversary.

The raffle was won by Brenda Branscombe and the competition by Lillian Downs with Ann Carr second. After a talk and slides on Beamish Museum by John Gall, tea and biscuits were served.