IRAQ: THE more I read about the horrors of US torture in Iraqi prisons, the more I am grateful that I was captured by the most evil, brutal regime in the world - and not the Americans. - Yvonne Ridley, RESPECT candidate, County Durham.


COUNCILLOR Terry Hogan (HAS, May 12) refers to the recent publication of the MORI poll results. There are a number of significant findings regarding local government reorganisation, which do not support his claims.

Most vitally, we believe the MORI poll results should not be used to validate any option of local government reorganisation, because the results are derived from such a small sample.

We believe the MORI findings show there is a greater percentage of support for the two and the three-option rather than the single unitary option. And there is more support for the three-option rather than two.

Furthermore, a survey of the Sedgefield Borough citizen's panel, which consists of more than 900 members, provided firm evidence that around 62 per cent do not want a single authority and around 75 per cent said they had a sense of belonging to Sedgefield Borough Council and would prefer to have their services provided by a small, rather than countywide, authority.

Therefore the facts are plain. Whether people want two unitary authorities or three, what is borne out by these findings is that the majority of people do not want a single unitary authority covering the whole of County Durham. - Councillor Malcolm Iveson, Sedgefield District Council.


WHAT misleading hypocrisy for Durham's Liberal Democrats to campaign against council tax when they have actually increased Durham City council tax by 6.8 per cent this year.

Replacing one tax system with another would cost people even more. Durham Conservatives are campaigning for fair taxes today, not new taxes tomorrow.

Liberal Democrats should take responsibility for their own tax-increasing record, focus on delivering fair tax through better management and stop hiding behind the fantasy that a Liberal Democrat government could deliver fantastically low taxes through a new tax system.

The people of Durham have been let down by the Liberal Democrats and Labour. They are tired of tax rises in return for ineffective services and waste. We say enough is enough. - Mike Fishwick, City of Durham Conservatives.


AS a serving firefighter in the region, it makes my blood boil that we continue to get messed about by the Government/employers.

Since November, we have worked under the new "modernisation" guidelines - without receiving the pay-rise promised to us. Our job is dangerous enough without the Government continually pulling the rug from beneath our feet.

On top of the pay dispute, we continue to do our jobs with the terrorist threat over us, still awaiting a reply from the Government as to whether we are insured against injury, or worse, should we attend such an incident.

The union put this to the Labour Party weeks ago but as yet we have no clarification on the matter. So come on Tony Blair, do something for the forgotten public service. - Name and address supplied.


A NATIONAL survey carried out by the National Association of Head Teachers and reported in your columns earlier this month found that some schools were not receiving sufficient funding for 2004-5.

More than one in ten schools received less money this year than last, it added, and a third had not received the full four per cent extra per pupil they were promised by the Government last October.

This does not reflect the situation in County Durham, which this year is very good and has been welcomed by most head teachers and school governors.

Education spending plans have risen by 17.2 per cent and school budgets have risen by £12.8m (6.3 per cent).

Of the 305 nursery, primary, secondary and special schools in County Durham, 169 have falling pupil numbers this year.

Despite this, 265 schools have seen an increase in their school budgets.

Durham County Council continues to give education a high priority and has comfortably exceeded the annual spending targets set by the DfES. - Councillor Neil Foster, Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning, Durham County Council.


SIR Nigel Crisp's report that the NHS today is performing more effectively and efficiently is very good news for the Government.

Patient waiting times are lower and more people are being treated.

I believe all this augurs well for those hospital trusts hoping to be awarded foundation status.

Many people cast doubt on the policy of investment in the NHS but this report shows that the Government is on the right track. - LD Wilson, Guisborough.


THE ten East European countries joining the EU must be the ultimate example of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Having been oppressed for years under the monstrous Soviet Union, they have succumbed to blackmail and bribery into joining the European Union. They were told that they wouldn't be able to trade with EU countries if they didn't join and, at the same time, they are being bribed with the promise of handouts from our taxes. How long before it all ends in tears?

Britain should again take the lead in setting the people of Europe free from tyranny and corruption by, not only rejecting the proposed constitution, but also tearing up all their ludicrous treaties and going back to a Common Market that we all thought we had joined in the first place. - Stephen Feaster, Chairman, Ryedale Branch, UK Independence Party.


IN principle it would be good for the North-East Assembly to have a greater say in our own future but, in truth, if we sign up to the European Constitution we would be ruled from Brussels and not Westminster, as countries can only rule themselves as long as it does not conflict with the European policy.

I also feel that we should look long and hard at the membership of the EU when the commissioners have become untouchable and cannot be held accountable for the rampant fraud and the massive millions of pounds of taxpayers' money known to have disappeared into slush funds, which was described by fraud investigators as "a vast enterprise of looting". - J Stoker, Brandon.