Merry Oaks: PRESIDENT Margaret Thornhill welcomed members to the September meeting and introduced Anita Atkinson from Weardale who gave a lively interpretation of the History of the Modern Monarchy, illustrated by a vast array of royal memorabilia. In the absence of the secretary, Doreen Norman assisted with the business. The president appealed for more members to serve on the committee. Maureen Symmons and Nancy Christopher won the competition and Valerie Richardson and Mavis Dent the raffle. The evening concluded with a quiz on London landmarks. Monthly coffee mornings have resumed. Next month - Sister Josepha, The Footballing Nun.

Newton Hall

AFTER the summer recess our September meeting started with an informative talk by Joyce Smith on the benefits of Staywarm. She also organised a fun quiz which fooled the majority of us. Dorothy Hodgeson welcomed four new visitors and also pointed out certain events advertised in the County News. Gwen Scott read the minutes and Laura Murray the financial statement. Visitor Lylia Graham won the door prize and Wendy Smith the raffle. The poem competition was won by Joyce Coates with Jean Jones second. The next meeting is October 6 at the community centre and the subject 60 Years of Fashion. New members are always welcome. Competition - a pretty brooch.