Nearly a third of adults in Cumberland were regularly eating their five-a-day last year, new figures show.

The Food Foundation said many families across the UK are having to cut back on fruit and vegetables during the cost-of-living crisis.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities figures based on Sport England data show 32.6 per cent of people aged over 16 in Cumberland met the 'five-a-day' fruit and vegetable recommendation in the year to November 2023.

This was up slightly from 32.4 per cent the year before.

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Evidence shows there are significant health benefits to getting at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. According to the NHS, a portion of fruit or vegetables is 80 grams.

The Sport England figures also show 26.6 per cent of adults in Cumberland were estimated to be obese last year – down from 28.4 per cent in 2021-22.

Overall, 67.5 per cent of over 18-year-olds in the area were overweight.