On a sunny and warm Sunday, worshippers gathered around the ancient Market Cross in Guisborough to hear prayers and praise.

Various Evangelical centres took part, with hymns, accompanied by music from the Guisborough Salvation Army Band. More than 120 people attended to join in with the prayers and singing.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Praise and Prayers around Guisborough Market Cross

The service was opened by Guisborough Salvation Army Major Antony Mugford with a reading from the Bible, prayers, and a hymn.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Praise and Prayers around Guisborough Market Cross

In turn, the congregation heard from Steve Norval from Guisborough Evangelical Church, Gina Middleton from the Lingdale Worship Centre, and John Flett and Paul Wedgwood from the Guisborough Christian Fellowship, each with prayers, a reading and a hymn, accompanied by the Salvation Army Band.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Praise and Prayers around Guisborough Market Cross

Finally, prayers were said for the children, youth and schools.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Praise and Prayers around Guisborough Market Cross