AN international challenge match in an ancient board game is to be played online over the next few weeks.

The virtual “Test” series will decide which is the best Newcastle backgammon side in the world. A team from Tyneside will play their counterparts 10,000 miles away, in New South Wales, Australia, in an online Newcastle “derby” for the 2020 Novocastrian Challenge.

Representing the Newcastle upon Tyne team will be Martin Barkwill, Tim Cross, Pol Lapidakis and Gary Bratton.

They will be pitted against Robert Disney, Mick Dyett, Michelle Taubman and Tony Walker from Newcastle, “Down Under”.

The round robin nine-point matches start this weekend, with players given four weeks to complete their matches.

Mr Disney came up with the idea as backgammon clubs and players are getting their “fix” by playing online with the Covid-19 lockdown in place around the world.

He said: “Mick Dyett met Martin at an international tournament and the two clubs have stayed in touch.

“ A couple of times people in the UK have also contacted us by mistake, instead of our UK counterparts.

“With the pandemic, we’ve all got a lot of time on our hands and the idea of a friendly, intercontinental tournament seemed a great way of helping to fill the void of our regular club meetings.”

Mr Barkwill said: “We were delighted when Robert approached us with the idea of an international challenge.

“In all, 11 of our members said they’d be interested in taking part and it would be great if this became an annual event.”

The North East Backgammon Association normally meets once a month at the Royal British Legion Club in West Jesmond.

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