WILDLIFE charities are urging North-East and Yorkshire residents to leave water and shelter for hedgehogs during this summer's heatwave.

Hedgehog Street, a campaign led by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and the People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), conducted its first Hedgehog Housing Census last year.

Using results from 5,000 people, the census determined the type of garden shelter that is most-favourable to hedgehogs.

It showed hedgehogs prefer homemade nesting boxes that have been placed in a garden for some time. They will also use shop-bought hedgehog homes if there is bedding, such as dry leaves or pet straw, and a shallow dish of water nearby.

As the temperatures remain high in the region, Hedgehog Street is asking for more people to use this information to provide water and shelter to stop hedgehogs from becoming dehydrated.

Emily Wilson, Hedgehog Officer for Hedgehog Street, said: “If hedgehogs are provided with food and water in the garden (especially during this unusually hot weather), and the correct bedding in the house, this really encourages hedgehogs into your area, and they could become regular night-time visitors."

More information on what food to put in gardens and how to build a hedgehog home can be found at hedgehogstreet.org/housingcensus