BODY cameras are to be worn by firearms and response officers across North Yorkshire as part of a move to improve evidence collection, increase conviction rates and reduce complaints.

The force has been using cameras while policing protests at the Kirby Misperton fracking site in Ryedale and now say after extensive research they're being rolled out this week. They will not be used for general patrols but when officers are responding to incidents or on specific policing operations.

The force says expected benefits include:

• improved evidence to support investigations.

• increased conviction rates, particularly in the case of domestic violence and public order offences.

• a reduction in substantiated complaints against North Yorkshire Police officers and staff.

• a reduction in assaults against police officers.

• an increase in guilty pleas due to better evidence.

• transparency in policing.

• they have also been shown to act as a deterrent in confrontational situations.

Assistant Chief Constable Amanda Oliver said: “Body-worn video is now widely used across the UK police service and research has revealed numerous benefits for those forces using it. At North Yorkshire Police we wanted to be sure that the benefits would outweigh any negatives, and have tracked both the results of its use, and the development of the products and solutions over the years. Having seen the results from other areas, we are confident that the time is now right to adopt the use of the cameras in North Yorkshire.

“We anticipate they will be a key tool to protect both members of the public and our officers and staff, in addition to providing vital evidence to support investigations and complaints.”

Cameras will be worn outside officer's uniform and headgear and will flash red when in use with officers telling members of the public that the camera is recording. It will be used in public and at private premises for policing purposes, recording both video and sound.

Police and Crime commissioner Julia Mulligan said: “I believe there are important benefits to the use of this technology, with improved legitimacy and safety for the public, and improved assurance for police officers. "