My rescued Collie Cross developed bad arthritis in his back and was 'off legs' totally, knuckling his left back paw and incontinent. He initially improved after several courses of steroids and Rimadyl and the dietary supplements I've listed. As I heard of concerns regarding long term use of steroids and liver problems with Rimadyl I started him on Serrapeptase, on which he has improved magnificently. He's off the steroids and Rimadyl all together. I've now heard that the vitamins he's on and especially the Cod Liver Oil can cause problems, (haemorrhagic strokes were mentioned) if given in too high a dose. He has one 400 mg capsule of Cod Liver Oil a day and one multi-vit pill. Is this too much? He's doing so well (able to lift his legs to urinate now and scratch which he couldn't) I don't want to stop them unless I have to. Any ideas? Thanks



Dear Linda,
Glad to hear your dog is doing well on serrapeptase. This is a new treatment on me, as I am a conventional medicine vet. Overdosing with any drugs can cause problems, but if you are dosing at the recommended rate for your dog, then all should be ok. Good luck.

James Haddow