I contacted you in the past about my dogs lump under his armpit, it's as small as a pea and quite hard. It doesn't seem to be causing him any problems, however Ive been treating him for cracked feet for the last few weeks, as he has a limp which didnt seem to correct itself, I thought he may have burnt them with the warm weather, so I kept an eye on it, with the odd bit of oil etc, but nothing seems to be working? He's been limping now for about two months and Im still concerned it may have something to do with this lump, as its the same leg he limps on (front right). The other reason is the other paws seem to have the same cracks appearing but dont seem to be causing a limp? I may be over reacting, but I just wanted to know if there was anything I can do, he also seems to be sleeping a lot more. But hes coming eight now, so Ive put this down to his age.



Dear Carly,
I do know that boxers often develop deep cracks in their pads, and they are not a problem. palpation of these cracks will reveal those that are painful. If the dog has a constant limp, and there is a lump there, so, I think that you need that leg (and dog) checked over and a descision made on the lump. sorry, but it may have to come out. However, if your pet has cracked feet, then I suggest that you soak them in baby oil/warm water and a little salt, twice a day for 2 minutes at each session.

James Haddow