IF ANY Sunderland transfer targets are at all uncertain about the move to Wearside then Jobe Bellingham can be a powerful weapon for the Black Cats this summer.

For the teenager - who joined from Birmingham City 12 months ago - says he'd urge any player with the chance to play for Sunderland to take it.

It's been a disappointing season for Sunderland, who fell apart after an encouraging start and, after managerial upheaval and chaos, ended up finishing 16th.

But Bellingham's fine first season has been a plus point and the teenager says he's "learnt loads" in his debut campaign at the Stadium of Light.

His emergence as a first team force - he started 43 and featured in 45 of Sunderland's Championship games - has led to summer speculation claiming Dortmund - his older brother's former club - are interested.

But the 18-year-old has strongly hinted he'll be sticking around, telling of how he wants to help the Black Cats "put things right" next season.

And he has a message for any Sunderland transfer targets who have the opportunity to join him at the Stadium of Light.

"I'd encourage anyone to play football here," he said.

"The North East is great. The people are so generous. I haven't had one bad encounter in good and bad times. People come up to me and they're so polite and kind and always have nice things to say.

"It's been a real positive experience in terms of people. I can't thank the fans enough for the support and generosity. I've really tried to embrace the club and area. I feel like I've been here much longer than a year.

"I've tried to embrace the area, club, fans and the people as much as I can and it's really helped me. It's helped me embed in the club and area, I'm really pleased."


Bellingham only started five games in his last season at Birmingham but quickly became a key player for Sunderland - and his versatility has also been a big plus point. The teenager has played in midfield, No.10 and up-front. He thinks that - twinned with the resilience needed to get through a challenging campaign for the Black Cats - will help him in the future.

He told the club's website: "It's been a big learning experience. There's been a lot of ups and downs, as there is in any season, but I think for my first season there's been so much that will stand me in good stead going forward.

"I've had the privilege of playing for a huge club in front of a huge crowds, which brings different pressures and you need to adapt and learn from that as well.

"I feel like I've learnt loads, grown and got even better as a player and a person. So many people had told me what to expect but you never really understand until you come here. I was wide-eyed and thought it was amazing, the supporters, the players, the ambitions.

"It lived up to that immediately. Because I'm part of the club I feel more driven. There are things we need to put right and try and improve.

"There have been some tough things to take but I wouldn't change it because then you change the lessons you learn. There's been more highs than lows for me.

"I just want to hit the next milestone, keep improving and getting better. I'm desperate to keep improving.

"Sometimes that can make me impatient but it's definitely important to look back and be proud.

"I don't want to stand still, I want to keep improving and getting better. But I think I can be proud of the first season."