A homeless woman has been jailed after carrying out a distraction burglary at the home of an elderly woman.

Gemma Anderson entered the house in Peterlee at about 5.30am on February 22 this year.

The door was already unlocked as the victim had been in her yard to let her dog out just minutes before the incident.

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Having heard a noise coming from her living room, she went to investigate, only to discover Anderson standing there with bare feet, having taken her shoes off.

The 40-year-old said she needed a taxi and asked for a towel as it was raining.

As the victim was distracted getting a towel, she grabbed a purse and made-off. Anderson used a bank card within two hours to make two separate purchases of alcohol.

The Northern Echo:

At Newcastle Crown Court she was sentenced to two years and four months in prison after admitting burglary, two counts of fraud and four offences of theft relating to taking from shops in the town without paying.

PC Josh Kirby, of Durham Constabulary, said: “Distraction burglary, especially of the more vulnerable members of our community, is extremely cruel and callous.

“Hopefully, the victim can now feel safe in her own home.”