A convicted sex offender was brought back to court after he was found to have downloaded a number of child abuse images.

James Gillett was arrested last month after police discovered 19 indecent images of children he had downloaded from the internet.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the 51-year-old also admitted breaching the terms of his sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) by accessing websites carrying child abuse images.

Ashleigh Leach, prosecuting, told the court that the original SHPO was imposed in Cornwall and the Crown Prosecution Service had yet to receive a copy of the terms of the defendant’s order.

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Gillett, of Wolsingham Terrace, Darlington, pleaded guilty to possessing eight Category A images – the most serious category; possessing five Category B images; six Category C images; and breaching his SHPO following his arrest on April 13.

Peter Sabiston, mitigating, told the court that his client had been recalled on licence and asked for the sentencing hearing to be adjourned until the original court order could be obtained.

Judge Richard Bennett adjourned the case until June 12.