THERE is a disease that is virulently endemic among council planners: a meddlesome itch to molest and interfere with things that should be left well alone.

Look what they did to Durham market place. More to the point, look what they are currently doing to Durham itself.

What’s more, the infection is catching, as you can see when old-fashioned pubs, what have stood the test of time of centuries, get gutted, modernised, and given daft new names.

When are the authorities going to realise that such places, and other traditional venues, are what give communities their character, individuality and interest? They also benefit local business.

Change is alright as long as it means improvement. But change for change’s sake, that devalues the past, is a compound of arrogance, stupidity and tunnel-vision.

As for the Department of the Environment, it shows a complete ignorance of the environment and everything else, including good manners.

Tony Kelly, Durham