CHRIS MONCREIFF is concerned that “Prospects look gloomy for Tories”. (Echo, June 12).

I agree that whoever leaked Boris Johnson’s recent private Brexit speech did the right thing, although why anyone would be surprised to learn that the Cabinet, and, for that matter, the entire Conservative Party, is divided over Brexit, escapes me.

The idea that anyone can think that US President Donald Trump could do a better job than Theresa May over anything frankly appals me.

HAS readers will be aware that I am a strong opponent of any form of Brexit, but I accept that under Theresa May, Brexit is inevitable.

However, I do at least trust

her (and Philip Hammond) to avoid some of its worst consequences.

Boris Johnson is obviously another matter, and I hope these revelations forever end all chances of him ever becoming a future Conservative PM.

The idea of the Tories facing gloomy prospects does not worry me, although the thought of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party benefitting does.

Perhaps the answer is to vote Liberal Democrat?

Alan Jordan, Middridge