I TOTALLY agree with G Carr regarding LED streetlights (Echo, Oct 5) and I don’t think I’ll be the only one either. They are beyond dreadful. Apparently the views of the community or health and safety don’t seem to matter anymore.

The longer nights are here now.

Those areas with these lights might as well be blacked out.

The only area that seems to be lit is right below the light itself.

Vulnerable or elderly people living in these areas must feel very worried indeed.

If someone is injured or worse and the lack of lighting found to be a contributing factor who is then held responsible?

Those individuals who earn their living by, shall we say, nefarious means must be very, very happy indeed. Blacked out roads and dimly lit housing estates must be a paradise for them.

The police and neighbourhood watch schemes tell you to leave a light on to deter burglars. Pity that Durham County Council couldn’t heed their advice.

Margaret Tindale, Ferryhill