DARTFORD'S council leader is being accused of “historic genocide” over the naming of the new channel tunnel rail link station at Ebbsfleet.

Councillor John Muckle provisionally agreed to call the station Kent Thames-side at a recent Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) forum meeting.

Now Swanscombe and Greenhithe town councillors have written to Cllr Muckle expressing their fury at the proposal.

The letter said: “The suggestion of the name changing to something as nondescript as Kent Thames-side is not only dismissive of the rich heritage of Ebbsfleet Valley but also amounts to historic genocide.

“This council holds its heritage and history very dear and will fight strongly to keep it.”

Dartford Council voted down a cabinet report provisionally agreeing to the new name of Kent Thames-side for the station at a meeting last week.

Instead, the council has deferred noting a cabinet report over the issue until members know which group is responsible for naming the station.

The News Shopper wants to hear your views about the name of the station.

Call our phone poll on 0870 1201700. If you think the station should be called Ebbsfleet select 3301, if you disagree select 3302.