SIXTH formers have been taught vital first aid techniques from a real-life life-saver.

A&E training director Lee Whitworth not only delivered his wife’s baby at home but two weeks later revived their daughter when she stopped breathing.

A passionate advocate of first aid, Mr Whitworth took time out of his busy schedule to deliver a CPR course to students at Richmond School and Sixth Form College.

Eleven sixth formers were instructed in how to call for help, check airways, perform CPR and use a defibrillator.

Mr Whitworth said: “My daughter came rather quickly at home so I had to deliver her.

“Then a couple of weeks later my wife woke me because she had been in to check her and she had stopped breathing. She would not be with us now if it wasn’t for first aid.”

Mr Whitworth told students that if someone’s heart stopped outside of a hospital the chances of survival were slim.

If CPR was performed in the first 2.5 minutes, then the chances grew massively and if a defibrillator was employed within five minutes the patient had a 60 per cent chance of pulling through.

Student Holly Murphy said: “When you meet someone like Mr Whitworth, who has actually used first aid to save a life, it really brings home how important it is that we know the basics. The course has really given me the confidence to at least try if anyone needs help in the future.”