A DISPLAY of poppies has gone on show at Northallerton Methodist Church ahead of this year's remembrance services.

The hand-made poppies make up a feature called Lest We Forget 1914-1918, which opened on Wednesday and will be up until November 15.

During this period the church is open daily from 10am to 12pm, and at 11am each day there will be a short meditation.

A spokesperson for the church said: "The purpose of the display is to encourage and offer an opportunity for people to come into church during this time of remembrance, not only to remember those who lost their lives or were wounded in these conflicts and others our nation has been involved in over the years, but also to reflect on the horrors of war and pray for an end to all conflicts facing our world today."

On Armistice Day, Saturday, November 11, the church will hold a short service of remembrance at 10.45am, to which all are invited.