RAT infestations in gardens are on the rise.

Pest control officers in the Hambleton district say they have seen a significant increase in the number of cases needing action since October.

They blame the increased use of compost heaps, putting out bird feed, waste food disposal and intensified agriculture which provide rats with a ready food supply and allowing more of the rodents to reach adulthood.

The council points out that landowners have a legal duty to ensure land is kept rat and mouse free. Leaving any rat population untreated and allowing it to develop increases the risk of damage and disease and makes subsequent control more costly and difficult.

"It is essential that action is taken as quickly as possible by both reducing the numbers and preventing rats coming into properties," said a spokesman.

Hambleton District Council, along with many local contractors, can provide rodent control services for a fee. If the rat population is large environmental health officers can also help in the investigation.

  • Call 01609-779977 for information.

In order to reduce rats residents can:

• seal gaps around pipes going through walls and under sheds, and repair broken airbricks

• make sure bin lids fit tightly and that household waste is disposed of properly

• make sure compost heaps are well controlled

• avoid accumulations of rubbish, overgrown areas in the garden and piles of timber

• clear areas that may offer shelter or nesting material

• clean up pet droppings on a daily basis

• during a rodent infestation, eliminate bird feeding and do not place bird food on the ground.