THE Church of England has awarded the Diocese of Durham a grant of £800,000 after it successfully bid for funding as part of its strategic plan.

The plan, launched last year, focuses on three core priorities – growing the church, children and young people, and tackling poverty.

Diocesan secretary Andrew Thurston said: “The grant will be used over the next three years to give our clergy and leading members of their congregations’ new skills and support for undertaking locally inspired mission projects.

“Doing this will better enable our churches to be at the heart of their local communities, meeting the needs and aspirations of people living in the North-East today.”

The Right Reverend Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham said: “I am delighted that the national church has recognised the importance of the strategic plan that we are following here in Durham.

“This grant will allow us to accelerate the work we have already begun and to best equip our church leaders for undertaking ministry in all our communities in the twenty first century.

“The three priority areas were specifically chosen to have the maximum impact, in doing so to ‘Bless our communities in Jesus’ name for the transformation of us all."