FOOTAGE of white-beaked dolphins has been captured during a marine survey off the North-East coast.

What began as an uneventful survey 11km off the coast of Berwickshire, led to an exciting close encounter with a pod of the dolphins.

Martin Kitching, of MARINELife who led the survey, said: “Seven-white beaked dolphins headed straight towards us.

“They began playing around and swimming in the waves created by the boat. These dolphins are truly such beautiful and playful animals.”

Over the past three years, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has commissioned dolphin and whale surveys off the North-East coast. In particular these surveys have focused on an area known as Farnes East.

Dr Leigh Howarth, Marine Advocacy Officer for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust said: “In terms of the marine wildlife, Farnes East is an area of high importance.

“Our surveys in the area have shown that a large number of white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoise utilise this area, in addition to minke, humpback and even killer whales.

“The glacial channels surrounding Farnes East make it one the deepest areas in the North Sea. Due to the steep walls of the channel, upwelling occurs which brings nutrient-rich water towards the ocean surface, supporting many fish and shellfish. Consequently, populations of white-beaked dolphins rely on the area for feeding and breeding.”

Farnes East is one of seven areas in the North Sea recommended to the Government to be designated as a Marine Conservation Zone, or MCZ.

The recommendation was based on data that highlighted the area comprised of a mosaic of habitats, including rock, mixed and coarse sediment sand, mud and patches of peat and clay.

As well as providing important habitat for whales and dolphins, the area also supports the highest number of wintering birds out of all the potential MCZs located in the North Sea, including breeding colonies of guillemots, razorbills, little auks and puffins.

“If Farnes East is designated as an MCZ, it will help protect the whales, dolphins and seabirds that rely on this vitally important area” said Mr Kitching.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is asking people to support them in their call to the Government to make Farnes East and other important marine areas MCZs. To find out more visit