OBESITY rates beating national averages are being tackled by an initiative.

A plan presented to Darlington Borough Council shows more than 23 per cent of children in reception are overweight which has risen to nearly 35 per cent by the time they reach year six.

Across England average rates are lower, 22.6 per cent of reception children are obese or overweight which rises to 34.2 per cent by year six.

Miriam Davidson, Darlington’s Director of Public Health said: “Improving the health and wellbeing of all children and young people is one of the key actions set out in the plan.

“Encouraging a healthy weight in childhood should be a priority for everyone in Darlington. To do this, we need to make the most of green space, promote active lifestyles and healthy food choices, as well as raising awareness about the impact of high sugar content in foods.

“The plan sets out some ways in which partner agencies in Darlington can link up with families to work on achieving this.”

It aims to reduce the rate of obesity and support children and young people to maintain health weights.

Darlington's Children and Young People's Plan illustrates how school nurses will promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyles at every opportunity as part of the Healthy Child Programme.

They will offer information, advice and support to those parents and families with children who have been identified as being overweight or obese.