PUPIL power has paid dividends at a North Yorkshire village school which has wrestled with long-running traffic congestion.

Children at Brompton-by-Sawdon community primary school, near Scarborough, lobbied North Yorkshire Councillor David Jeffels, when he visited the school, asking for action to improve road safety.

Cllr Jeffels said: “When I asked what improvements they would like to see in the village, they were unanimous in calling for measures to help solve the problem of traffic accessing the school at arrival and departure times on the narrow hill around the century old school."

Traffic and engineers from North Yorkshire Council’s Area 3 Depot explored ideas, working within Department of Transport regulations. As a result they decided that white lining would help provide the answer.

“It was excellent to see the enthusiasm of the children and their concerns for road safety and the council highway experts took them on board. The lines are designed to help traffic flow” Cllr Jeffels added.

Head teacher Gareth Robinson said he welcomed the initiative of the children.

“We have been concerned about the traffic flow around the school for a long time and the pupils’ views certainly influenced action to make the area around the school safer for the children and parents delivering and picking them up.”