A TOWN council is set to observe an ancient tradition dating back to 1575 and the charter of Queen Elizabeth I next month.

On Wednesday, August 29 the Mayor of Richmond Jonathan Preece will participate in the 63rd Septennial Boundary Riding, which is believed to date to 1575.

The original intention of the Boundary Riding was to identify and proclaim the boundary of the township and, while that is no longer the purpose, almost 1,000 people have participated in this tradition in recent ridings.

Heather Lawler, clerk to Richmond Town Council, said: “The 14-mile walk is led by the Pinder, or pioneer, and tradition has it that no-one is allowed to walk ahead of him.

“Mr Robert Chandler, who sadly died in 2017, had lead the previous four Boundary Ridings and his father before him had lead five.

“This year Jeff Edmondson will lead the riding. In previous years the Pinder wore a suit and trilby for the walk, but now it’s a much more relaxed event, and always wonderful to see so many people on what is an enjoyable day out.”

Originally, the Pinder was the man responsible for impounding stray cattle in the town. During the Boundary Riding, he carries an axe to clear any obstructions to the progress of the Riding.

More information will be released prior to the event.