THERESA May’s announcement of a cash boost to the National Health Service is welcome, but it would not have happened without the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party and his principled stand against austerity.

Since the general election the Tories are very much on the defensive and have been forced to shift some of their policies, as Corbyn has been able to redirect the political debate by offering hope to working people.

However, because of privatisation, the £20 billion cash boost by 2023 is not what it seems.

Since the election of the Tories in 2010 so much of NHS services have been handed over to private contractors.

Thus, a considerable proportion of the £20 billion will be handed over to private companies for their so called ‘services’.

The NHS private contractors will then use tax payers’ money to pay dividends to shareholders.

So instead of taxes being used to pay for doctors, nurses and hospital equipment, much of it will be used to buy the expensive cars, yachts and jewellery so loved by rich shareholders.

Thus the NHS, the most socialist of all enterprises in the UK will be used to provide yet more corporate welfare for the rich and greedy.

John Gilmore, Bishop Auckland