A PROJECT for more than 11,000 unpaid carers looking after their vulnerable Darlington family members and friends is being launched to help those in need of support.

Darlington Carers Support is set to take over a contract formerly held by Darlington Association on Disability (DAD) to provide specialist advice for carers struggling without assistance.

The contract was awarded to the Durham County Carers Support charity who will move to new premises – alongside those working with DAD – to run the project out of Valley Street, Darlington.

Ahead of the scheme’s launch next week, the charity revealed that around 3,000 of Darlington’s 11,000 recognised carers currently dedicate more than 50 hours per week to caring for a loved one.

Jenni Wood, chief executive of Durham County Carers Support, said: “We are very excited to launch our new service across the borough of Darlington and keen to reach out to people who haven’t accessed support before.

“If you recognise yourself or a friend or family member as needing this type of support please contact us.

“Carers often tell us they have struggled for years before finding the right kind of support and we don’t want that to happen.”

Carers previously supported by DAD have been written to regarding the change of service provider that will come into effect on Monday, May 1, and asked to return forms to register their interest in accessing the scheme.

However, more carers dedicating their time to looking after those with long-term or life-limiting illnesses, disabilities and additions are being encouraged to go to the charity for help.

Ms Wood added: “Carers will be able to access a range of support including one-to-one specialist information and advice, home visits, support to find their way through the maze of health and social care services alongside training opportunities and access to groups.”

The new scheme will also be funded by Darlington Borough Council and the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

For more information for carers, or to access the Darlington Carers Support scheme based in Enterprise House, off Valley Street, call 03000-301215.

Alternatively, email admin@darlingtoncarers.org