YOUR columnist Harry Mead is as entitled to his view of Tony Blair as I am to my view of the wicked attack on the vulnerable by Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron and now Theresa May.

However, his implied view that those against Brexit should accept the referendum result and not campaign against it is at best naive.

Following a vote of any kind, be it for a General Election, a party leader or leaving the EU, the losing side does not automatically change its point of view. After a General Election we do not say: “We are all Tories now so let’s support the Government.” So we are not all Brexiters now either.

The pressure group to leave the EU has drip fed its lies and halftruths about Europe for four decades before leading us into this disaster.

Of course those of us who disagree will continue to keep our cause alive so that if we cannot reverse the economic and social disaster that is relentlessly unfolding before our eyes, or at least those eyes that are open, then our children will have the opportunity to do so.

K Buckle, Darlington