THE decision not to send a serving member of the Armed Forces to a place of danger because of who he is, is an affront to other servicemen and women.

This is a Government that has cut the funding of the Armed Forces to such a level that equipment used by troops is so outdated for modern warfare that it now deems that to send a serving member of the Royal family to Iraq could put his life in danger.

New Labour has certainly turned this country into an "us" and "them" place to live in.

New Labour is quite prepared for young men and women, some of whom are not yet even old enough to vote, to be put in harm's way in defence of its foreign policies, but members of the "us" class are not and, with skilful ducking and diving, it claims it is a military decision.

It would appear that Royal soldiers are all right for putting on parade, with chests full of medals for non-combat duties, but must be kept out of harm's way at all costs because of the difficulties for New Labour of trying to spin its way out if anything happened to him.

Peter Dolan, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.

PRINCE Harry is a man's man and very disappointed that he has been stopped from going to Iraq. He loves the Army as many young men do and there is no doubt we do need armed forces and always will.

If I were him, I would want to opt out of the "family firm" and live my own life. I would not see much future in the role of sitting on the bench as a sub, maybe for a lifetime.

Princess Margaret didn't.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.

IF Prince Harry is not allowed to go to Iraq why did we waste taxpayers' money training him in leadership and combat to do the particular job he does, which is to lead his troops?

Particularly so when other young men, without the privileges he has, have died for their country.

However, you cannot blame him.

It's the leaders of our Government who decide his destiny as an heir to the throne.

On the subject of government, I understand Gordon Brown will be unopposed as the next Labour leader in which case it is only democratic for him to call a General Election as soon as possible.

Do the people in the street want a Labour Party led by Mr Brown, or do they wish to have a complete change of government? Let them decide.

JM Gowland, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.