LITTLE Max isn’t himself, but it’s his mum, Kylie, who keeps taking the tablets in Coronation Street (ITV1). The little lad has been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which is making life difficult for her. The mother-oftwo is as stressed out as a reporter with a front page story unwritten minutes away from the deadline. It’s all too much for her.

She needs a bit of peace and quiet to finish important paperwork but Max demands her attention all the time and daughter Lily is screaming her head off. What should she do?

Ask for help from her nearest and dearest would be the obvious answer, but instead she reaches for Max’s prescription drugs.

This is like stealing sweets from a baby. She’s worried how he’ll react to his medication, but trying it on herself isn’t the answer.

The pills help mother and so,n but will she have the guts to tell husband, David, who won’t be pleased to hear about her pillpopping habit. Rob is hoping no one will find out what he’s been doing – killing Temptress Tina. He reckons he’s got away with murder but, hello hello hello what’s going on ‘ere then?

He’s been stopped by police driving a car that has the murder weapon in the boot.

He’s been to the building site to remove the incriminating evidence for fear of discovery when they start building on the site. Let’s hope his guilty look doesn’t give him away when the cops quiz him.

Walford bids farewell to Bee-anchor in EastEnders (BBC1) which means the Square will be a quieter place without her screeching. Bee-anchor is off to start a new life in Milton Keynes with lover Terry.

Someone should warn residents of the town that she’s on her way, although they’ll probably be able to hear her coming.

She’ll miss Fill the Fug have a hissy fit and smashing up the Arches. The reason he loses it is is seeing fiancée Sharon with shady solicitor Marcus Christie, which convinces him that she’s up to something behind his back. He’s right. She’s after his bank balance.

His old flame Surely Shirley finds him in a bad way amid the wreckage of the Arches and comforts him in the only way she knows how – she beds him and advises him to keep quiet that he knows Sharon is up to no good.

The signs aren’t good that he’s handling it well because the former alcoholic turns up at the Queen Vic demanding a drink. Well, it’ll take his mind off whether to continue with the plan to marry Sharon.

Marlon and Laurel are set to walk down the aisle in Emmerdale (ITV1) although the odds on them saying “I do” must be remote.

The wedding has been somewhat overshadowed by the death on duty of Marlon’s ex-wife policewoman, Donna, only the other week. He’s still grieving, while Laurel is turning to ex-husband the ex-Rev Ashley for help through a difficult time because she feels her husband-to-be has more feelings for dead Donna than her.

Declan and Charity’s marriage is going through a bad patch too. She’s still trying to hide from him the fact that she had a termination. His aggrieved sister Megan is equally determined to bring it out into the open, even getting her son Robbie to try to steal Charity’s medical records. And Corrie’s Kylie thinks she’s got problems.