WHILE Education Secretary Michael Gove suggests we should look to countries like South Korea to improve our education system 24 students from that country have come to the North-East to learn about our teaching methods.

The English Language Centre at Durham University is running a five week programme for the Incheon Training Institute (IETI).

The teachers are spending three weeks at the university and two weeks observing and teaching in local primary and secondary schools.

They are all staying with local families in and around Durham City, enjoying the lifestyle and sights of our region.

Clearly there is a contrast to life in Korea and the participants are enjoying their peaceful surroundings and the warmth of the local community.

The participants’ comments make clear their feelings about Durham City and the local families they are staying with.

“People have a more relaxed, pleasant life in this beautiful city,” one student said.

“People here are incredibly kind and friendly,” another said.

A third South Korean visitor said: “I thought it would be quite challenging to live with another family, which I had never known before. However, they let me in not only their house, but also their lives”.