A NEW exercise class has promised to put a spring in the step of Newton Aycliffe pensioners.

The Friends of Senior Citizens have set up a Nordic walking group to help older people stay fit and make new friends in the town.

Nordic walking is a specialist exercise technique that uses poles to enhance the benefits of ordindary brings.

The poles mean the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs, while also propelling the walker along.

This results in the walker working harder than usual but finding the process a lot easier.

Peter Beaty, of the Friends of Senior Citizens, said it was the perfect exercise for older people.

“Nordic walking is a whole body exercise,” he said.

“It improves joint mobility, releases tension in the neck and shoulders and burns 46 per cent more calories than normal walking.”

The group meets at Neville Community Centre at Neville Parade in Newton Aycliffe at 10am on Monday mornings.

A qualified instructor from the NHS Get Active Team will lead the walks, which last around 30 minutes.

The cost is £2 per person but the next two sessions are free.

To book, call Mr Beaty on 01325-313924.