HUNDREDS of designer handbags have gone under the hammer to raise funds for a North-East hospice.

More than 500 bags were up for grabs at the auction held at the Hall Garth Hotel and Country Club, in Coatham Mundeville, near Darlington.

Labels including Prada, Radley, Dolce and Gabanna and Louis Vuitton were up for sale at the auction, each with a starting price of just £1.

The event was organised by sales manager at the hotel, Carrie Wilson, and her friend, Liz Cook, who hoped to raise thousands of pounds for St Teresa’s Hospice.

The duo will also be trekking across Iceland in July to raise more than £4,000 for the hospice.

Mrs Wilson said: “This will be the third trek that we have undertaken for charity and we are always thinking of new and unusual ways to raise funds.

“This has proved to be hugely successful with donations of handbags pouring in.”

To donate to their fundraising efforts visit