A UNIVERSITY campus is bursting with wildlife, a year-long study has found.

The results of a year of monitoring the biodiversity of Durham University’s campus around Durham City have delighted conservationists, with rare birds thriving.

This summer saw the first successful breeding on university land by barn owls, a pair of which fledged three young this year.

At least eight Red-listed bird species, those with the UK’s highest conservation priority, have been spotted on the grounds, along with 14 Amber-listed species.

The University’s full bird list runs to 100 species, including five birds of prey and three owl species.

There are also more than 200 species of flowering plants including four species of wild orchid and woodlands full of bluebells.

Roe deer, badgers and foxes have been regularly sighted and eight species of bat have been reported, although red squirrels were replaced by their grey counterparts over a decade ago.

Steve Ansdell, the University’s horticultural manager, said: “We are fortunate to have a University that is surrounded by so much wildlife.

“It makes a great place to work and study, though safeguarded biodiversity in a bustling university can be a challenge at times.”

Dr Stephen Willis, from the University’s School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, said: “Durham University probably protects more species than many nature reserves in the UK and must be one of the most biodiverse universities in the country.”