IN Northallerton recently, I saw men and boys walking around the town in German uniforms. I ask myself why?

It was a slur on the men who took part in both world wars to see German uniforms in a town in the UK.

Maybe the people wearing the German uniforms should have gone to Dachau concentration camp.

Perhaps then they might be ashamed to wear that uniform.

I have been to Dachau, I have seen the pictures, read the accounts, seen the gas ovens, and read about what the men wearing these uniforms did to the prisoners.

They were mostly Polish.

My father was Polish and fought against the Germans in the First World War. He also saw what they did to his country in the Second World War.

What he would have said to them had he been alive today, I shudder to think.

Maybe one of them might read this letter and think again about wearing that uniform again.

They should hang their heads in shame.

S Sygmuta, Romanby, Northallerton.