THE confirmation of the size of council executives’ pay has left me wondering, what do they produce to deserve such large pay packets at our expense?

When you look at their responsibilities how can they qualify for, as in the case of the Sunderland chief executive, something in the order of £650,000 per annum?

What do they do that is so valuable that someone on far less could not achieve?

They after all are looking after a smaller workforce due to their cutbacks in numbers and outsourcing of services.

Schools have been farmed off to academies; housing to non-profit making Quangos; as well as social care and refuse collections.

So what value do they bring?

We hear all the time that you have to pay high wages to recruit high achievers but what exceptional results have these people achieved?

They are all products of the council system.

Many have never worked in the commercial sector or had to produce results and profits for their stakeholders. They have played the political game and advanced themselves by political patronage which, again, is a major failing of our local government system, mutual back scratching to be polite, although you might use a stronger term.

So, as you send your increased local taxes off consider how the system is failing you and move for change the next time you get a vote.

Consider how your wages are funding the extravagant salaries and life-styles of these officials.

Chris Gallacher, Ukip Redcar